Friday, December 30, 2011

Discovering the World

Being a lifelong fan of libraries, I was excited to get a ride to the Central Library today. I love this library. It has the biggest selection in Virginia Beach (I mean, duh, it's the main library) and I volunteered here in high school (an exercise in getting my work done while minimizing or completely avoiding social contact).

                      When Z was in the Peace Corps and I was living at home, I made a lot of trips out to this library. It was usually out of my way but reading was a great way to keep myself from wallowing. However, I do remember eating a lot of Cheez-Its while watching Monk reruns, which I'm pretty sure counts as wallowing.

I love going in knowing exactly what I want and where it is but I also love walking through the stacks and pulling out books that catch my eye. Sometimes I do actually judge a book by its cover and I've read a lot of great books that way. I always wish I could be one of those people organized enough to keep a list of the books they read. Then maybe I wouldn't have come home, read the first twenty pages of Southern Lady, Yankee Spy and realized it was way too familiar for me not to have read it before.

LYLAS, library! 


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